Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Operating Activities(Details) :-

1. The amount of net cash flows arising from operating activities is a key indicator of the extent to which the operations of the entity are funded:
(a) By way of taxes (directly and indirectly); or
(b) From the recipients of goods and services provided by the entity.
The amount of the net cash flows also assists in showing the ability of the entity to maintain its operating capability, repay obligations, pay a dividend to its owner and make new investments without recourse to external sources of financing. The consolidated whole-of-government operating cash flows provide an indication of the extent to which a government has financed its current activities through taxation and charges. Information about the specific components of historical operating cash flows is useful, in conjunction with other information, in forecasting future operating cash flows.

2. Cash flows from operating activities are primarily derived from the principal cash-generating activities of the entity. Examples of cash flows from operating activities are:
(a) Cash receipts from taxes, levies and fines;
(b) Cash receipts from charges for goods and services provided by the entity;
(c) Cash receipts from grants or transfers and other appropriations or other budget authority made by central government or other public sector entities;
(d) Cash receipts from royalties, fees, commissions and other revenue;
(e) Cash payments to other public sector entities to finance their operations (not including loans);
(f) Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services;
(g) Cash payments to and on behalf of employees;
(h) Cash receipts and cash payments of an insurance entity for premiums and claims, annuities and other policy benefits;
(i) Cash payments of local property taxes or income taxes (where appropriate) in relation to operating activities;
(j) Cash receipts and payments from contracts held for dealing or trading purposes;
(k) Cash receipts or payments from discontinuing operations; and
(l) Cash receipts or payments in relation to litigation settlements. Some transactions, such as the sale of an item of plant, may give rise to a gain or loss which is included in the determination of net surplus or deficit. However, the cash flows relating to such transactions are cash flows from investing activities.

3. An entity may hold securities and loans for dealing or trading purposes, in which case they are similar to inventory acquired specifically for resale. Therefore, cash flows arising from the purchase and sale of dealing or trading securities are classified as operating activities. Similarly, cash advances and loans made by public financial institutions are usually classified as operating activities since they relate to the main cashgenerating activity of that entity. 

4. In some jurisdictions, governments or other public sector entities will appropriate or authorize funds to entities to finance the operations of an entity and no clear distinction is made for the disposition of those funds between current activities, capital works and contributed capital. Where an entity is unable to separately identify appropriations or budgetary authorizations into current activities, capital works and contributed capital, the appropriation or budget authorization should be classified as cash flows from operations and this fact should be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.

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