Thursday, December 15, 2011


You operate a bank account in which you deposit money and withdraw money from time to time. You maintain a record with yourself of these deposits and withdrawals. One day you get your pass-book (statement issued by the bank) updated but are surprised to find that the balance shown by the pass book was different from what it should have been as per your records. What will you do in this case? It is obvious that you will compare the two sets of records and find out items which are recorded in one but not in the other. Similar situation may arise in case of a business concern which operates a bank account. These business concerns maintain record of all of their banking transactions in their bank column of the cash book. On any particular date the bank balance shown by the bank column cash book and that shown by the pass book should be the same. But if there is difference between the two, the business concern will find out the reasons to reconcile the balance. In this lesson you will learn about reasons for difference and prepare the reconciliation statement called Bank Reconciliation Statement.

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